Friday, October 12, 2007

Learn Free Vocabulary & Give Free Rice

When is the last time you checked your vocabulary skills and did so for a good cause?
Check out the FreeRice site and do both today.
I never got over level 36 before becoming stupid and digressing.
I am sure some of you follow blogger will get a higher level.
I did donate 2740 grains of rice before getting a headache and having to do something else.
I wonder how many grains of rice are in a 5lb bag?
Go play and have fun!


Mom2fur said...

What a riot. I got to level 41, but I only donated 300 grains because "What Not to Wear" is on in a few minutes. I'd definitely go back.
I'm surprised at how many I got right just by guessing, LOL!

Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

What a creative way to make a difference in education and hunger. Thanks for sharing!